Wednesday, 13 November 2013

TWC Thoughts Week 13/ Sesion 12

Today is the final session of a very enriching TWC experience with Prof Shahi. We had quite a few presentations today as one group from last week had to bring over their presentation due to time constraints.

Group Project Presentation

We had 5 group presentations today. And the topics covers a wide range from Prosethetics to Sex.

1.      Mind Controlled Prosethetics

Group 4(of the previous week) presented on Mind Controlled Prosthetics and I thought that it was a very intriguing presentation. I have learnt a lot ranging from the strength of prosthetic limbs being able to exceed any possible human strength and the ability of prosthetic limbs giving users a sense of touch. With the advent of 3D printing, these prosthetics could become really affordable to the common handicapped person. However with these developments comes certain implication as well. As mentioned in my individual paper, athletes who are enhanced with these prosthetics would have a large advantage over able bodied athletes in competitions. Hence there has to be a need to differentiate these 2 different types of athletes. Perhaps sporting authorities come up with a separate class of competition where these enhanced athletes can compete in. Another significant implication would be the use of prosthetics as a means to commit crime. As Sam mentioned, these limbs do not leave fingerprints and can exert large amounts of force. So this implication does not seem too far-fetched. Nevertheless, the benefits are pretty exciting isn’t it?

2.      Transhumanism

Group 1(for the session) presented on Transhumanism which I thought the content was rather similar to the previous group. However this group raised a very relevant point with regards to healthy and physically intact individuals choosing to replace their body parts with prosthetic. This will not sound inconceivable when prosthetics in the market far exceed human capabilities. Another important benefit would be the use of prosthetics for military purposes. Soldiers who lost their limbs during missions could get new limbs and carry on with their frontline duties.

3.      Food for the Future

Group 2 started their presentation with a very refreshing skit of a traditional farmer vs a huge conglomerate that uses high tech methods for farming. The farmer then posed the same question as Yali about the inequality in their situations. What I found most interesting about the presentation would be the future food preservation techniques. There are already experiments done on burgers from Macdonalds’ showing how they do not change in appearance after left in the open for many days, and even dogs do not want to go near to the burgers. Now, there is even the SuperSandwich which can last 3-5 years without refrigeration. Even if the scientists tell us that it is safe to eat these burgers, I shudder to think about the long term health implications that this could have on our bodies. What I felt this group could have done better was to include how to ensure food security among the developing countries as such food preservation and biotechnology would not be easily accessible to these countries. Even the smartphone application that the group mentioned for eradicating food wastage would not work in developing countries as the poor do not have the means to buy a smartphone.

4.      Sex and Advertisements

At first when I heard of this topic, I was left wondering how far can the development of sex in advertisements be linked to technology in the past present future sense, but I have to say this group made the link well. The future of sex advertising was particularly interesting as there is 3D sex ads added with augmented reality, which is just every guy’s dreams. The fact that facial recognition combined can be used to identify the target audience is also helpful as the young and impressionable will not see these ads in forms like augmented reality. Those who have squeaky clean record or those simply not interested in explicit content will also be spared from these content because of their previous “search histories”. However, the group acknowledged the sex advertising would bring about many negative implications on the society so there is a delicate balance for companies to strike.

5.      Virtual Reality

The last group presented on virtual reality. Their introduction I thought was fantastic where it showcased virtual reality well. The rest of the presentation was about all the possibilities of virtual reality such as augmented reality, which I feel will really revolutionise the world, starting with Google Glasses.

Personal Rating

As a whole, the presentations were insightful and interesting to keep my interest levels high throughout. Would give it a 9.5/10! What a fitting way to end my TWC journey!(at least before finals)

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